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Process of Mobile Repair

Managing the Post-Acquisition Integration Of A Telecommunications Services Business

Delivering The Best Of Two Businesses

Integration of Consumer Services Business: Projects

What was the challenge?

A successful telecommunications business had acquired an established service and repair brand and was looking for post-acquisition support to integrate the business into its ongoing operations.  We were asked develop the future operating model, identify the transition requirements and fully manage the integration process.

Historically all elements of customer care had been managed within the main business however there was now a requirement to separate out the service and repair components and merge these with the acquired organisation.  The proposal was to create a new, independent business unit that would be responsible for installation, repairs, insurance and service.  This new business unit would have full P&L accountability and would be responsible for sales and delivery of its own portfolio of services. 

What was the approach?

The team initially mapped the existing capabilities of each business and overlaid these onto the future state requirements.  This enabled us to identify the capability gaps and where there would be an opportunity to share services.  This approach enabled us to define the end state operating model and the associated organisational structures.  Project workstreams were then put in place to develop the new business functions and to manage the changes required to achieve the end state.

We proposed that the transition to the future model should be undertaken in three separate phases.  This ensured that the revenue generated by the new services business was well matched to its overhead costs.  During this time certain capabilities continued to be shared between businesses and we provided full project coordination and guidance throughout.

How did we help?

The integration guidance that we provided ensured that the strong brand ethos of the acquired organisation was retained.  At the same time our operating model expertise and the guidance that we provided during the transition, ensured that the new business was a success from the very start.  Within eighteen months of the merger being agreed the brand had become a household name in its own right and has now been synonymous with consumer technical support for more than eight years.

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