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TV Screens

Delivering Technology Projects To The Media Industry

Providing Rigour, Empathy And Tenacity To Deliver Stakeholder Objectives

Technology Project Management: Projects

What was the challenge?

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was looking to support the development of a new technology where the viewer could press a single button during a programme trailer to set a recording of that programme.  The service would be available on all real time TV platforms, including Sky Digital, Freeview and freesat.

The BBC asked us to provide specialist programme management expertise to complete the project scoping and feasibility, and produce both a business case and outline implementation plan.

What was the approach?

The BBC is a highly complex organisation and the proposed new technology would touch many different business units; it was therefore essential to understand the requirements of all stakeholders and maintain engagement throughout.  Likewise, we needed to establish how existing business processes and system infrastructure would be impacted and identify all key dependencies that needed to be addressed during the implementation.  We worked with the in-house development teams to specify the hardware, software and resource requirements and we engaged all stakeholders to formulate the implementation plan, identifying critical milestones, project metrics and critical timelines.
The business case highlighted the strategic fit of this technology within the wider BBC agenda including risks and issues across all facets of the business. We also provided an independent cost evaluation for the implementation and lifecycle of the system and identified the long-term benefits that would arise.

How did we help?

The detailed assessment, scoping and planning of this project led to the BBC board approving the funding for the ongoing development.  We were invited to continue working with the BBC during the development phase and in May 2010 the BBC launched the Trailer Booking System - Green Button across all of its terrestrial channels.

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